Kabi Kabi has emerged from a period of turmoil with a new focus, direction, structure, management and commitment.
The Kabi Kabi Board is committed to building and justifying trust with tenants, the community, funding bodies and other stakeholders.
We are an independent, not-for-profit organisation providing social and affordable homes to our local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
The Kabi Kabi properties are managed through a contract with a professional property management organisation and service maintenance is provided through professional service providers in alignment with Queensland Department of Housing operational guidelines.
Kabi Kabi encourages these professionals to utilise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses, services and staff.
This model provides the community with the following benefits:
The role of the Directors is to provide leadership, direction and oversight to the organisation.
The Director’s charter encompasses three major elements:
COVID-19 DCHDE Communique – 29 June 2021 for funded providers
https://www.health.qld.gov.au/- Queensland Government Link
CHANGE OF ADDRESS – PLEASE NOTE OFFICE LOCATION : 246 Petrie Creek Road, Rosemount, Qld 4560